CAA publishes ADS-B beacon trial report
The CAA has published the report into the completed uAvionix ADS-B beacon trial that was supported by Burn Gliding Club, Cambridge Gliding Centre, Derbyshire and Lancashire GC, Lasham Gliding Society, and The Gliding Centre.
The Executive summary includes; “Feedback showed that 978MHz UAT ADS-B Obstruction Beacons do deliver their function as intended and in a usable manner. This was theĀ case even given a GA environment not especially supportive of UAT. Since the end of the trial a Joint Statement from CAA/DfT on the Development of a National Standard for Electronic Conspicuity has been published that sets out a change in policy formally introducing 978MHz UAT to the UK. This will have a material beneficial affect on the future use of these Obstruction Beacons as GA community receptiveness to UAT increases.”