Laws and Rules

This ‘Laws and Rules’ webpage details BGA Operational Regulations, associated requirements and guidance, and the law. The information is provided to assist BGA member clubs and their members.

Gliding takes place under a mix of national, retained-EU and self regulation.

The BGA is the national governing body of sport gliding.  The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is the UK aviation safety regulator.

BGA Operational Regulations

BGA Operational Regulations

BGA Requirements and Guidance

The following BGA requirements and guidance support compliance with BGA operational regulations and the law, and describe established good practice.



Gliding certificate and endorsements


Managing flying risk – every glider pilot needs this information




Sporting badges and diplomas


UK Aviation Law

CAA ‘UK Regulations’ webpage.

UK regulations relevant to non-Part 21 aircraft:

The Air Navigation Order

UK regulations relevant to Part 21 aircraft (and current applicability):

UK CS-22. Applicable now.

UK CS-STAN. Applicable now.

UK Part M Light (PML). Applicable now.

UK Sailplane Air Operations (SAO). Applicable now.

UK Sailplane Flight Crew Licensing (SFCL). Applicable to pilots of Part 21 sailplanes who choose to utilise SPL privileges.

UK Medical (MED). Note Pilot Medical Declaration (SI 2021/10). Applicable to pilots who choose to utilise SPL privileges.

UK Declared Training Organisation (DTO). Applicable to SFCL training.

UK regulations applicable to all aircraft:

UK Standardised Rules of the Air (SERA)

Rules of the Air Regulations (in addition to SERA)

CAA Official Record Series 4 (ORS4)


Information on changes following the UK leaving the EU

Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)