Instructor requirements

v2.5 21 September 2022


  1. Introduction
  2. Becoming an Instructor
  3. BGA Basic Instructor Course
  4. BGA Flight Instructor Course
  5. BGA Full Rating
  6. Instructor Rating Responsibility
  7. Rating Validity
  8. Instructor Rating Requirements, Privileges, Revalidation and Renewal
  9. Additional Instructing Endorsements (MGIR, Aerobatics, BIC, FIC)
  10. Chief Flying Instructor or Senior Pilot
  11. Part-SFCL Flight Instructor (Sailplanes) – FI(S)
  12. Insurance and BGA Records
  13. Communication
  14. Instructing following an accident

1.    Introduction

Safe, high quality and standardised flying instruction is a vital part of all BGA gliding club operations. The BGA continually reviews instructor training and performance to ensure that the highest possible safety standards and gliding instruction standards are maintained at all times. BGA Regional Teams of experienced examiners led by a Senior Regional Examiner provide clubs, CFIs and individual instructors with guidance and ongoing support.

The BGA has three levels of Instructor rating; Basic, Assistant and Full. In addition, the BGA recognises the Part-SFCL FI(S) certificate – see 11 below.

All instructors operating at a BGA club must be approved to do so by the club Chief Flying Instructor (CFI). For CFI endorsement details, see 10 below.

Important note. During the period of transition to Part-SFCL, ie until September 2025, instructing at BGA clubs is to be carried out in accordance with the BGA instructor  rating requirements described in this document.

2.    Becoming an Instructor

An experienced glider pilot who would like to become an instructor should ensure they meet the minimum requirements described below and discuss their suitability with their CFI.

If the pilot chooses to become a Basic Instructor, a club facilitated course can be arranged by the CFI.

If the pilot chooses to become an Assistant Instructor, the pilot must complete a BGA or club facilitated instructor course.

 Experience as an Air Cadet or other than BGA gliding instructor

Current experience as an Air Cadet A or B category instructor, or current experience as a gliding instructor formally qualified other than through the BGA, can be cross-credited towards the BGA Basic and Assistant rating course requirements. To ensure standardisation, in each case a BGA FIC should make an assessment of the training required and that training should be completed and documented using the relevant course programme. All other BGA instructor rating requirements apply – see below at 8.

3.    BGA Basic Instructor Course

Course content and other details are available on the BGA website. Courses may be delivered by BGA authorised BI coaches using the BGA-approved course programme.

4.    BGA Instructor Course

The BGA approved assistant instructor course content, a list of available courses and other details are available on the BGA website.

Courses are delivered by BGA flight instructor coaches. Where the required facilities and resources are available, assistant instructor training may be delivered at any BGA club by BGA authorised flight instructor coaches using the BGA-approved course programme

5.    BGA Full Rating

BGA Full Rating privileges are described in 8 below.

The BGA Full Rating assessment is made by a BGA Regional Examiner. BGA Full Rating assessment details are available on the BGA website under ‘Examiner Standards’.

All experienced BGA Assistant Rated instructors including those that hold a Part-SFCL FI(S) certificate are encouraged to obtain a BGA Full Rating.

6.    Instructor Rating – Responsibility

It is the individual instructor’s responsibility to ensure that his or her instructor rating or certificate is valid before carrying out instruction and to stay up to date with current instructing requirements.

7.    Rating Validity

BGA Basic, Assistant and Full instructor ratings automatically lapse 12 months after the rating issue date (initial or renewal).

Basic, Assistant and Full instructor ratings may be revalidated by a club CFI up to 90 days before the lapsing date with no loss of validity period.

A record of rating validity card is supplied by the BGA on initial issue of a rating. Replacements or email confirmation can be obtained from the BGA on request.

8.    Instructor Rating Requirements, Privileges, Revalidation and Renewal

Refresher training and any assessments or checks should be recorded and dated in the instructor’s logbook.

5-year refresher courses (flying & discussion) are normally carried out by the club CFI.

The details below are minimum requirements. A CFI may choose to carry out additional instructor standardisation or refresher training (for example 3-yearly).

BGA Basic Instructor Rating


  • Minimum age 16 on application, and
  • Hold the Bronze and Cross-Country Endorsements (or SPL), and
  • Minimum of 50 hours pilot in command in sailplanes, and
  • Recommendation by CFI, and
  • Completion of BGA approved Basic Instructor course, and
  • Acceptance test by the CFI


May carry out basic instruction*. Basic instruction must be supervised by a BGA instructor approved to do so by the CFI of each club where the privileges are exercised. The privileges may only be exercised on a particular launch type where the launch type privileges are held. Additional launch type privileges may be added by a BI coach or the CFI (logbook signature).

*For the scope of basic instruction refer to the Basic Instructor course programme. BI’s are currently taught to teach lookout and the primary effect of elevator, aileron and rudder.

The rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

Revalidation (required annually)

Recommendation for revalidation to the BGA from the CFI based on:

  1. In the 12 months prior to revalidation, at least 10 hours or 20 launches pilot in command in sailplanes (not TMG), and
  2. An annual check by a CFI, BI Coach, Flight Instructor Coach, or BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature)

Renewal (where lapsed)

The rating may be renewed by application to the BGA following an appropriate level of refresher training as agreed with the SRE and:

  • At least 10 hours or 20 launches pilot in command in sailplanes (not TMG) in the previous 12 months, and
  • An assessment by an independent CFI, BI Coach, Flight Instructor Coach, or BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature), and
  • Recommendation for renewal by the CFI

A rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

BGA Assistant Instructor Rating


  • Minimum age 18 on application, and
  • Hold the Bronze and Cross-Country Endorsements (or SPL), and
  • Silver badge, and
  • Minimum of 75 hours pilot in command in sailplanes, including 100 launches, and
  • Recommendation by CFI, and
  • Completion of BGA Approved Instructor Course, and
  • Assessment by a BGA Regional Examiner, and
  • Acceptance test by the CFI, and
  • Within 18 months of acceptance by CFI, completion of a BGA instructor course Post Course Review


Instruction of students as authorised by the CFI. The privileges may only be exercised on a particular launch type where the launch type instructor privileges are held. Additional launch type instructing privileges may be added by a BGA Flight Instructor Coach or BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature).

The rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

Revalidation (ratings lapse after 12 months unless revalidated)

Recommendation for revalidation to the BGA from the CFI based on:

A refresher* within 5 years of the date of revalidation (signed entry in the instructor’s logbook), and in the 12 months prior to revalidation

  1. at least 5 hours or 15 launches solo** in a sailplane (excluding TMG) and
  2. at least 10 hours or 20 launches PIC gliding instructing in a sailplane/TMG. Where the requirement at 2. has not been achieved, alternatively an assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature) may be carried out.


Recommendation for revalidation as a BGA assistant rated instructor from the CFI based where holding a valid FI(S) certificate with sailplane instructing privileges and required recency.


Ratings may be renewed by application to the BGA following an appropriate level of refresher training as agreed with the SRE and:

  1. At least 10 hours or 30 launches pilot in command in sailplanes in the previous 12 months, and
  2. Assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner, and
  3. Recommendation for renewal by the CFI

A rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

BGA Full Instructor Rating


  • Minimum age 18 on application, and
  • BGA Assistant Instructor Rating, and
  • Silver badge, and
  • At least 150 hours pilot in command in sailplanes, and
  • Recommendation by CFI, and
  • Test by BGA Regional Examiner


  • Instruction of students at all stages subject to the discretion of the CFI and the instructors experience. The privileges may only be exercised on a particular launch type where the launch type instructor privileges are held. Additional launch type instructing privileges may be added by a BGA Instructor Coach or BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature).
  • Assessing pilots for the issue of the BGA Bronze and Cross-Country Endorsements.

The rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

Revalidation (ratings lapse after 12 months unless revalidated)

A refresher* within 5 years of the date of revalidation (signed entry in the instructor’s logbook), and in the 12 months prior to revalidation

  1. at least 5 hours or 15 launches solo** in a sailplane (excluding TMG) and
  2. at least 10 hours or 20 launches PIC gliding instructing in a sailplane/TMG. Where the requirement at 2. has not been achieved, alternatively an assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature) may be carried out.


Recommendation for revalidation as a BGA full rated instructor from the CFI based where holding a valid FI(S) certificate with sailplane instructing privileges and required recency.


Ratings may be renewed by application to the BGA following an appropriate level of refresher training as agreed with the SRE and:

  1. At least 10 hours or 30 launches pilot in command in sailplanes in the previous 12 months, and
  2. Assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner, and
  3. Recommendation for renewal by the CFI

* A BGA instructor course is equivalent to a 5-year refresher for revalidation and renewal.

** Solo in this context may include flying as pilot in command with a passenger.

A rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

9.    Additional Instructing Privileges (MGIR, Aerobatics, Flight Instructor Coach)

The BGA instructor rating can include additional privileges, subject to the following requirements.

To provide gliding instruction in an SLMG or TMG, the instructor must hold a BGA Motor Glider Instructor Rating (MGIR). To provide TMG or NPPL SLMG instruction, the instructor must hold a CAA-issued instructor certificate with appropriate privileges, eg CAA FI SLMG or SFCL FI(S) with TMG instructing privileges.

The BGA Motor Glider Instructor Rating Endorsement (BGA MGIR)


  1. Either a BGA Full Instructor Rating, or a BGA Assistant Instructor Rating who holds FI(S) privileges on an SPL, and
  2. Appropriate licence for the class of aircraft flown, and
  3. Recommendation by CFI, and
  4. Standardisation and assessment by a BGA Regional Examiner who holds a BGA MGIR


Where a valid gliding instructor rating is held, the holder of a BGA MGIR may instruct gliding exercises in a motor glider appropriate to the group and stage held.

The BGA MGIR endorsement is issued separately on two groups of motor glider:

  1. TMG group. Wood/fabric TMGs (eg Falke), and GRP TMGs (eg Grob109b).
  2. Self launching sailplane group (eg Janus CM).

(Note: the previously required Group 1 and 2 have been absorbed into the new TMG group. The new TMG group applies retrospectively, ie those with Group 1 or Group 2 are now deemed to be TMG Group, ie they can now operate as a BGA MGIR in wood/fabric and GRP motor gliders.)

In addition to the above groups, each group has three separate stages:

  1. Stage 1 Glider handling, upper air exercises, circuits, approaches and landings
  2. Stage 2 Stage 1 exercises plus map appreciation and glider navigation
  3. Stage 3 Stage 1 and 2 exercises plus simulated aerotow rope breaks, field selection and landing simulation and final glide simulation.

The rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.


Providing the MGIR requirements (above) remain in place, a BGA MGIR does not expire.

Where either of the requirements has lapsed for more than 5 years and either has subsequently been renewed, the BGA MGIR should be renewed by assessment with a BGA Regional Examiner who holds a BGA MGIR.

BGA Aerobatics Instructor Endorsement

Minimum requirements:

  1. valid Assistant or Full instructor rating, and
  2. either the BGA aerobatics endorsement or standard aerobatic badge, and
  3. recommendation by CFI, and
  4. demonstrate the ability to instruct aerobatics to a BGA aerobatic flight instructor coach


To teach aerobatic manoeuvre or class(es) of manoeuvres as authorised in the instructor’s logbook by a BGA aerobatic flight instructor coach.

The endorsement will be issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

BGA Basic Instructor Coach (BIC) Endorsement

Experienced full rated instructors who are interested in training Basic Instructors should discuss the topic with their CFI. The SRE can be contacted to arrange standardisation.

Minimum requirements:

  • Hold a valid BGA Full Instructor Rating, and
  • Recommendation by CFI, and
  • Standardisation as a Basic Instructor Coach by a Regional Examiner.


To train BGA Basic Instructors, recommend issue, and conduct assessments/check flights for Revalidation or Renewal of a BGA BI rating.

The endorsement will be issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

BGA Flight Instructor Coach (FIC) Endorsement

Minimum requirements:

  1. a valid BGA Full Instructor Rating, and
  2. recommendation by CFI, and
  3. attend a BGA Flight Instructor Coach seminar, and
  4. receive focused training consisting of instructor course Part 2 exercises by a BGA Regional Examiner or an appointed SFCL ‘9 year’ assessor, and in doing so demonstrate the ability to coach BGA instructors


To train BGA Assistant Instructors as specifically set out in the BGA instructor course programme, and to train BGA Basic Instructors, recommend issue, and conduct assessments/check flights for Revalidation or Renewal of a BGA BI rating.

The endorsement will be issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

BGA Aerobatic Instructor Coach (AIC) Endorsement

Minimum requirements:

  1. a valid BGA Full instructor rating, and
  2. a valid BGA Aerobatic instructor endorsement, and
  3. recommendation by CFI, and
  4. attend a BGA Aerobatic Instructor Coach seminar, and
  5. demonstrate the ability to coach aerobatics instructors to an AIC specifically authorised by the BGA


To train BGA instructors to instruct specific aerobatic manoeuvres or class(es) of aerobatics manoeuvres.

The aerobatic manoeuvres or class(es) of aerobatics manoeuvres that the instructor has demonstrated the ability to teach are to be authorised in the instructors logbook by the FIC who delivered the course.

The endorsement will be issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.

10.  Chief Flying Instructor or Senior Pilot

BGA CFI Endorsement

This is a mandatory endorsement for the instructor at a club who is responsible for flying standards where any flight training takes place.


  • A BGA Full Instructor Rating, and
  • At least 150 hours P1 on at least six different types of glider or motor glider, and
  • Have two years of instructing experience

The endorsement will be issued, without charge, on receipt by the BGA of evidence of qualification as CFI elect from the Club Chairman, subject to the approval of a Senior Regional Examiner as authorized by the Chairman of the Instructors Committee.

Senior Club Pilot Endorsement

At clubs where the club has formally notified the BGA that no flight training takes place and where no flying takes place by pilots with a lower qualification than a Bronze badge with Cross Country endorsement, it is not necessary to have a CFI but a Senior Pilot should be appointed


  • At least 150 total hours PIC on at least six types of glider or motor glider, and
  • Silver Badge

The endorsement will be issued on receipt by the BGA of evidence of qualification as Senior Pilot elect from the Club Chairman, subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Instructing and Examining  Committee.

11.  Part-SFCL Flight Instructor (Sailplanes) – FI(S)

To instruct at a BGA club, all BGA instructors including those who hold a Part-SFCL FI(S) certificate must be revalidated by their CFI as a BGA instructor (see 8 above).

Part-SFCL FI(S) revalidation and renewal requirements are described in Part-SFCL and are entirely separate from the requirements laid out in this document.

Important note. During the period of transition to Part-SFCL, instructing at BGA clubs is to be carried out in accordance with the BGA BI, Assistant and Full instructor rating requirements described in this document.

For example, regardless of Part-SFCL qualifications held, the appropriate level of BGA MGIR must be held to carry out field landing training and assessment as described in 9 above.

12.  Insurance and BGA Records

The BGA maintains a back up insurance policy against liabilities resulting from activities that result in third party damage and injury.

The details and confirmation of BGA IFP, or BGA Basic or Assistant or Full Ratings must be submitted annually to the BGA office by the club CFI using the password protected CFI e-services online tool. In the event of the online tool being unavailable, alternative notification should be made as agreed with the BGA office.

13.  Communication

Providing the BGA office is annually supplied with instructor details, and has the instructors email address, the BGA office will send instructor revalidation/reminder notices to any instructor and their CFI. In addition, the BGA office will periodically provide relevant information to instructors and their CFI.

14.  Instructing following an accident

It is important that any instructor who has an accident is provided with appropriate support and that any underlying issues are addressed. An instructor who has an accident whilst flying gliders or motor gliders or whilst instructing in gliders or motor gliders is to immediately cease instructing. Where requested by the CFI of a BGA club, the suspension from instructing is lifted on the authority of the Chairman of the Instructing and Examining Committee (usually delegated to the SRE).
