Home – Members Area

This section of the BGA web site provides practical information for pilots, club officials, instructors, aircraft owners, inspectors and for anybody actively involved in gliding in the UK.

Latest News & Notices

  • Female pilots urgently needed!

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    As part of a project to develop a spine-shell with the aim of protecting glider pilots from spinal injuries in accidents, female and male pilots are being scanned at Loughborough University on the 31st July and 1st August. A few more female pilots are needed otherwise the results for females would…

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  • Bidford GC WInG accredited!

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    Bidford Gliding and Flying Club is the latest BGA club to be WInG accredited! You can read more about Women and Inclusivity in Gliding (WInG) here.

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  • Airspace infringement

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    Infringements of controlled airspace are potentially very dangerous. Although very few of the many infringements of controlled airspace in the UK each year involve gliders, any airspace infringement by a glider pilot damages the reputation of gliding. A glider that was being flown from a wave site that hosts visitors…

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  • Roger Quiller Barrett 1935 – 2024

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    It is our sad duty to report that Roger Quiller Barrett, a Vice-President of the BGA, passed away on the 26th of June. Roger’s interests in addition to gliding included ballooning, photography, publishing, world travel and more. Roger’s family has advised the BGA that there will be a celebration of…

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  • Bicester airfield closed during July

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    Bicester airfield management has advised the BGA that the airfield will be closed from 8th July – 1st August inclusive. As ever, please check NOTAMs before flight.  

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