Membership Requirements

v1.2 1st August 2020

The BGA Articles of Association describe how a club or an individual may join the BGA subject to the approval of the BGA Executive Committee (the Board) and detail terms and conditions. The following summary is provided to assist members. It does not replace the Articles which always take precedence. Queries regarding BGA membership application and subscriptions should be made to the BGA office.

Categories of Membership

There are two categories of BGA membership.

Full Membership.

Full membership is open to any gliding or soaring club in the UK or under British auspices elsewhere (unless subject under the Sporting Code to the jurisdiction of a National Air sport Control other than the Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom) which is properly constituted and has not less than ten Full Flying Members.

Associate Membership.

Associate Membership means a group of persons which does not fulfil the requirements for full membership, or an individual whom the Board may decide to admit as a member.

Membership Conditions

The person or organisation applying for membership must complete an application for membership as required by the Board. By applying for membership, members agree to:

  • comply with the Association’s rules, including the Articles
  • provide details reasonably requested by the Association
  • pay membership subscriptions and fees owed by the member to the Association


Every Full Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend General Meetings and cast a vote in accordance with the Articles.

Membership Subscriptions

Every person who flies at a BGA member club must be either a Full Flying member or a Temporary member. BGA membership subscriptions are charged to clubs based on a fee for each full flying member and each temporary member. The fees are as agreed in an Annual General Meeting of the BGA membership.

Example: Membership fees are agreed at the AGM in Mar 2021. Those agreed fees apply to the membership returns collected at the end of the BGA year 1 Oct 21 – 30 Sep 22.

New member clubs are required to pay BGA membership fees in their first full BGA year of membership.

Example: a club joins the BGA during June 2021. The club will receive an invoice for membership based on a club return for October 2021 to September 2022.
