Gliding Operations

Club gliding operations include any flying related activity that takes place from a gliding club. Clubs and pilots manage their unique operational needs under existing law and BGA guidance.

The operation of sailplanes is regulated by the Part Sailplane Air Operations (Part-SAO) rules. Our Laws and Rules webpage provides a link.

Whilst keeping it fun, the BGA Safety Management System manual describes how clubs should ensure that as far as reasonably practicable an integrated approach to all operating standards is achieved and that all necessary regulatory and legal requirements are satisfied.

The highest priority in the BGA’s approach to safety management is the elimination of risk to third parties as far as is practicable through training and risk-averse operational policies. All clubs evolve and their operations change. As ever, we would encourage clubs to regularly review and address where required the potential risk that their operation could present to third parties both on and outside their airfield.

The BGA publication ‘Managing Flying Risk’ includes several topics relevant to gliding operations, including supervision.

The airfield operation

The majority of gliding takes place from unlicensed airfields. A CAA publication offers guidance on ‘safe operating practices for unlicensed aerodromes’, much of which is applicable to gliding. Particular note should taken of chapters 4 (airfield physical characteristics), 5 (flying operations) and 8 (emergency services).

You can view the CAA’s ‘safe operating practices for unlicensed aerodromes’ publication here.

The flying operation needs to take into consideration collision risk. You can read more about collision avoidance here.

‘Any Gliding Club’ Operations Manual

To support clubs in documenting how that is delivered at their club, the BGA provides an ‘Any Gliding Club Operations Manual‘ template as a Word document. Use of the template is optional.

Referring to source information reduces the opportunity for errors including outdated information. Links to published information are embedded in the template to highlight available resources and to minimise the need to republish information. In much the same way, it may be helpful to use links to existing information on the club website.

It should be noted that the more pages and text in a Club Operations Manual, the less chance there is of it being read and absorbed. Getting the balance right is not easy.

To assist and encourage members to easily access what is essential information, clubs may wish to consider publishing their Club Operations Manual as a webpage.

Access the 'Any Gliding Club Operations Manual' template here


Public Safety

Clubs have a duty of care towards members of the public as well as their own members. The public must be allowed to exercise rights of way. It may be necessary to temporarily modify the gliding operation or cease launching to ensure public safe passage.

Visiting / New Pilots

Visiting or newly-joined qualified pilots are likely to have a wide range of backgrounds. Specific guidance on the intricacies of flying from a site, particularly those sites of a more demanding nature, might be covered in a visiting pilots briefing note. Ideally this information should be available via the host club’s website so that the potential visitors can brief themselves ahead of any visit. Irrespective of the scope and content of the various publications, before flying visiting pilots should be directed to suitable briefing information describing the site’s key risks and operating challenges. Visiting pilots are advised that the excitement and novelty of the site could distract them from considering how the different site and conditions might involve different preparation and eventualities.

Opposing Circuits

Opposing circuits (also known as mirror circuits) to the same landing area involve gliders and/or tugs potentially approaching each other on the base leg at a relatively high combined speed when the attention of both pilots is inevitably concentrated on positioning their aircraft in relation to the landing area. Opposing circuit traffic will be difficult to detect. As such, opposing circuits to the same landing area represent a potentially significant hazard that pilots need to be aware of.


Aerobatics can be an excellent tool for learning, practicing and demonstrating pilot skill. Displays are subject to ANO requirements. Aerobatics should always be carried out in a safe volume of airspace at a safe height taking into consideration the ever-present potential for misjudgement or loss of control and the minimum height established by the club CFI.

Where Flight Manual limitations on “g” or airspeed are exceeded, the incident should be reported. As structural damage may have occurred that can subsequently fail in flight, the aircraft must not be flown until it has been inspected and released for service by an approved inspector.

First Aid and Firefighting

Telephone numbers for the emergency services and guidance for first responders should be displayed prominently at the club premises.  A first aid kit should be kept in a prominent and easily accessible place.

Serviceable fire extinguishers suitable for electrical and fuel fires, as well as a crowbar and axe, should be kept on a quickly mobile vehicle whenever aeroplanes or gliders are operating from the field.

Safe Aerotowing

Pilot guidance and resources for safe aerotowing

Guidance on operating tugs and operating tug aircraft

Safe Winch Launching

Pilot resources available as part of the ongoing BGA Safe Winch Launching Initiative.

Safe TMG and self-launch flying

Guidance on operating TMGs and self-launching sailplanes is available here.


Access to accurate information about the weather is important for safe gliding operations. There are a large number of free and paid-for sources of useful weather information. We’ve linked to some of the free sources.