Carbon Monoxide in Piston Engine Aircraft
In February 2024 the CAA launched a four-week public consultation seeking stakeholder views on various topics associated with carbon monoxide (CO) in piston engine aircraft. The consultation asked nine technical questions and allowed for additional comments to be provided. A total of 271 responses to the consultation were received. A CAA ‘Comment Response Document’ provides a summary of the responses received, the decisions made, as well as the next steps being taken.
The CAA will be issuing a directive that in a gliding context will result in the need for a pilot in command of a piston engined aeroplane or TMG (e.g Falke) that is carrying a passenger who is not a PPL holder, SPL holder or a BGA gliding certificate with solo endorsement holder to carry an active carbon monoxide detector in the cockpit. The BGA supports this proportionate approach.
Active carbon monoxide detectors are readily available, more effective than spot detectors and recommended to any aeroplane or TMG pilot operating at a BGA club.