Your BGA
About the BGA
The British Gliding Association is the governing body for the sport of gliding in the UK and members are the 76 clubs that provide gliding facilities for their members – clubs that are spread throughout the UK from the north of Scotland to the SW tip of England and which range from small, member-run clubs through to some of the largest gliding clubs in the world. Through these clubs, we represent and provide services to all glider pilots.
Our roles are many and varied. We provide advice and assistance to clubs on a wide range of topics, including managing risk, finance, regulation, operations, advocacy, and marketing, and we take a leading role in the development and promotion of gliding as safe and rewarding fun for people of all ages. Our support includes:
- Airfield safeguarding and development
- Competitions, conferences and other events
- Continuing airworthiness and maintenance
- Pilot and instructor training and coaching
- Representation of glider pilots and owners interests within the UK and worldwide
Economic and social impact of gliding
Read about the economic and social impact of gliding here.
BGA and the Environment
Gliding is an air sport where the fundamental aim is to fly without using any energy other than that generated by the sun and wind. The BGA is an environmentally conscious organisation and recognises the view that there is a climate emergency. We acknowledge the potential impact that our operation may have on the environment and the need to take action.
Read more about BGA and the environment here.
Representation and Engagement
As the UK governing body of gliding, the BGA has a significant responsibility in representing the interests of gliding clubs and their member glider pilots. Government agencies and departments that the BGA regularly engage with in the course of our work include DfT, DCMS and UK CAA. The BGA’s priorities are identified in the Articles of Association and the current BGA Strategy as amended from time to time.
Read more about BGA representation and engagement here.
BGA Policies
The BGA establishes policies on a range of key issues that are amended from time to time.
You can read about BGA policies here.
Guidance on developing gliding club policies is available here.
More Information
Our three-person office administration team is really busy delivering services. We would be grateful if before getting in touch with us, you would first try to find the information you need on this website.