Club Development News

Gliding site safeguarding

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Airfield safeguarding is a mechanism to provide information about potential developments near an airfield and give a possibility of some protection against unwanted developments. The BGA Development Committee publish this slide deck that explains what a club needs to do to help to safeguard its airfield and operation. The CAA…

National grid plans more pylons

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The National Grid are currently undertaking significant projects to expand the country’s power distribution network. These projects feed into the “great grid update”, described by National Grid as “the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations.” The projects include reinforcement of existing high voltage power network in areas which…

Support available for flood-damaged facilities

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The Small Grants eligibility criteria will apply to organisations seeking storm relief funding. Organisations applying will need to confirm they have any relevant permissions required to carry out the work. More information is available here.

National Women's Go Gliding Weekend

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The Women’s Go Gliding Weekend on the 27th and 28th of April 2024 aims to introduce more women and their companions to gliding by providing a friendly and informative welcome at gliding clubs and offering them some flying on the day at an attractive price. We hope as many clubs…

Edgehill Gliding Centre WInG accredited!

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Edgehill Gliding Centre is the latest BGA club to be WInG accredited! You can read more about Women and Inclusivity in Gliding (WInG) here.  

Recruiting volunteers

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It’s important for any club to review how they recruit volunteers so that, if the need arises, they’re ready to react to any shortages. The Sport England ‘Club Matters’ website offers a range of guidance for volunteer development including: – Where to find new volunteers – Effective communication for recruitment…

Sport England funding

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Each year, Sport England invests more than £250 million of National Lottery and public money to help people play sport and take part in physical activity. Applying to one of their funds for the first time can seem a little daunting. This Sport England published guide aims to help clubs…

Increasing club membership

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All of aviation including gliding has a very low percentage of women participants. The BGA fully recognises that gliding needs to do more to increase the percentage of women participants. To help with this aspiration, some time ago the BGA appointed Yvonne Elliott as the BGA Women’s Advocate. Yvonne has…

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All News in category: Club Development News

Gliding site safeguarding

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Airfield safeguarding is a mechanism to provide information about potential developments near an airfield and give a possibility of some protection against unwanted developments. The BGA Development Committee publish this slide deck that explains what a club needs to do to help to safeguard its airfield and operation. The CAA…

National grid plans more pylons

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The National Grid are currently undertaking significant projects to expand the country’s power distribution network. These projects feed into the “great grid update”, described by National Grid as “the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations.” The projects include reinforcement of existing high voltage power network in areas which…

Support available for flood-damaged facilities

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The Small Grants eligibility criteria will apply to organisations seeking storm relief funding. Organisations applying will need to confirm they have any relevant permissions required to carry out the work. More information is available here.

National Women's Go Gliding Weekend

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The Women’s Go Gliding Weekend on the 27th and 28th of April 2024 aims to introduce more women and their companions to gliding by providing a friendly and informative welcome at gliding clubs and offering them some flying on the day at an attractive price. We hope as many clubs…

Edgehill Gliding Centre WInG accredited!

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Edgehill Gliding Centre is the latest BGA club to be WInG accredited! You can read more about Women and Inclusivity in Gliding (WInG) here.  

Recruiting volunteers

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It’s important for any club to review how they recruit volunteers so that, if the need arises, they’re ready to react to any shortages. The Sport England ‘Club Matters’ website offers a range of guidance for volunteer development including: – Where to find new volunteers – Effective communication for recruitment…

Sport England funding

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Each year, Sport England invests more than £250 million of National Lottery and public money to help people play sport and take part in physical activity. Applying to one of their funds for the first time can seem a little daunting. This Sport England published guide aims to help clubs…

Increasing club membership

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All of aviation including gliding has a very low percentage of women participants. The BGA fully recognises that gliding needs to do more to increase the percentage of women participants. To help with this aspiration, some time ago the BGA appointed Yvonne Elliott as the BGA Women’s Advocate. Yvonne has…

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