Safety News

Female pilots urgently needed!

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As part of a project to develop a spine-shell with the aim of protecting glider pilots from spinal injuries in accidents, female and male pilots are being scanned at Loughborough University on the 31st July and 1st August. A few more female pilots are needed otherwise the results for females would…

Airspace infringement

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Infringements of controlled airspace are potentially very dangerous. Although very few of the many infringements of controlled airspace in the UK each year involve gliders, any airspace infringement by a glider pilot damages the reputation of gliding. A glider that was being flown from a wave site that hosts visitors…

Bicester airfield closed during July

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Bicester airfield management has advised the BGA that the airfield will be closed from 8th July – 1st August inclusive. As ever, please check NOTAMs before flight.  

Aerotowing - it's a team effort

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The vast majority of aerotows are uneventful. A take-off decision point, factors affecting take-off and climb performance, landing area options in the event of a problem, and communicating about minimum safe speeds are all considerations for both the glider pilot and the tug pilot. Helpful guidance, aimed at glider pilots…

Instrument traffic flying in class G airspace

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Several airfields with ATZs in class G use instrument approach procedures (IAPs), which are designed to improve approach safety in poor weather, at night, etc. However, these IAPs are frequently utilised during fine weather in daylight by commercial pilot training organisations as well as by commercial business jet operators. The…

FES ground safety

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This is a repeat of guidance published in September 2023. FES equipped gliders are relatively new and unfamiliar to other airfield users who may not appreciate the dangers of the flush seated, self deploying, fast turning and solid propeller blades on the nose of the glider. In addition to any…

Safe rigging

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Pilots are reminded that a BGA Operational Regulation states that: ‘All gliders operated from a BGA club site shall be inspected before flying on each day by a pilot who has been approved to carry out a daily inspection, who must sign to confirm that they have completed the daily…

FLARM temporary incompatibility - paragliders and hang gliders

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The latest FLARM update has resulted in a temporary incompatibility with the software used in some devices with FLARM transmit only capability as used by the para gliding and hang gliding community. The manufacturer of XC Tracer devices has developed a software update. The OGN have knowledge of the protocol…

Club sites new radio frequencies

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As reported in January, following detailed work by Paul Ruskin (Cambridge GC) and the CAA, thirty BGA gliding clubs now have newly allocated radio frequencies to help with local situational awareness. The frequencies are valid from 21st March. You can view the new frequency allocations here.  Electronic and paper charts…

Get ready for spring - FLARM updates

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As the spring gets enticingly closer, it’s a reminder that our gliders and equipment need to be checked, maintained and ready to go. From the March 2015 Update, every FLARM device needs to be updated with the latest firmware version at least once per year (rolling 365 days). Firmware updates…