Safety News

Get weaving...

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Some towing aircraft with tail wheels suffer from limited forward visibility. So it’s important to gently weave these aircraft to clear the path ahead. If in doubt, stop and check. Never assume the path is clear.    

Induction Icing

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Induction, or ‘carburettor’, icing is probably responsible for several accidents every year. Some aircraft are more vulnerable than others. If you fly a powered aircraft that uses a carburettor, and in particular a T61 motor glider which is a type known to be highly vulnerable to carb icing, this CAA…

Guidance for pilots and owners of SSDR aircraft

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The BGA has published information for SSDR pilots and owners including specific points about flying the Silent 2 Electro. You can view the information in ‘Managing Flying Risk’ here.

Safe Ridge Soaring

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With lots of minds turning to winter ridge flying, the Southdown gliding club has highlighted two of their previously recorded safe ridge flying webinars. The first video is aimed at the challenges faced whilst soaring the local ridge and is helpful for those who have done very little ridge soaring…

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