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On 28 November Club Chair Alan departs on posting for his final tour to pastures new.  Well known in the wider gliding community Alan has been a long standing club member and has played a huge part in making the club the success that it is at its new home here RAF Shawbury.

Whether it be instructing in the air or in ground school at Shawbury or the Midland Gliding Club, organising annual expeditions to other parts of the UK, or instructing on RAFGSA expeds to the French Alps or the Chilean Andes and the challenges that they pose, it is Alan’s personal connections together with his sustained commitment that sets him apart.

Alan’s ceaseless efforts, inexhaustible enthusiasm and wholehearted encouragement is clear to both club members and also the wider gliding community.  His services were recognised with the award of a British Gliding Association Diploma in 2023.  

It is, therefore, with sadness that we bid farewell to Alan and his DG400.  He leaves behind fond memories and also a club that is on a sound footing for the future.  

In his place we extend a warm welcome to Shawbury based Kev Morley.  Kev is a Silver C pilot and a Full Cat gliding instructor.


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