Oxfordshire Sportflying G.C.
Oxfordshire Sportflying as the premier motor-gliding club founded in the early 1980’s offers access to the public to come and try and have the experience & joy of both powered and gliding flight,
together with providing a full range of training for glider pilots of all ages and ability.
From its purpose built clubhouse, both tarmac and grass runways in the middle of unrestricted
airspace in the Cotswolds and its fleet of current motor- gliders ranging from a Venture, Grob 109B and Super Dimona it can offer:-
Trial Lessons for all – including those with disabilities.
Any aspect of glider pilot, motor glider pilot, power pilot training/refresher training.
Training for a wide range of different licences such as LAPL(S), SPL, LAPL(A)TMG, PPL(A)TMG,
Adding a TMG rating to your LAPL(S) or SPL and/or ‘self launch’ endorsement.
Glider Pilot Cross Country Endorsement – training and test.
R/T training and refresher courses and examination centre.
Ground School on all subjects and examination centre.
Motor -glider and other aircraft ‘self hire’.
Conversion Courses (SEP, SSEA,)
Visit the Oxfordshire Sportflying Website at www.enstoneaerodrome.co.uk
Contact us on our email osf@enstoneaerodrome.co.uk or call 01608677208 to find out more.
Visitors always welcome!