Nationals Entry Form 2025

Initial Entry for the UK National Championships (except Junior Nationals) must be made online using the form below. Although the deadline for priority entry is 31st January, late entries are available subject to availability.

If over-subscribed at 31st January, Nationals entries are prioritised using the Rating List, based on the previous year’s competition results.

You can view the ratings calculator spreadsheet here

Pilots must have previously flown a Rated Competition in order to compete in a National Championship.  Pilots who do not yet meet this requirement may enter, but must comply by the opening date of the competition.

Entries for regional competitions should be made directly with the organising club.

Please click here to read these notes before applying – they include important information that may be different to previous years covering the further entry requirements including costs, dates, entry number limits, priority in the event of oversubscription and contact information.

If you have any problems with the online form, or your name does not appear in the entry list and believe it should, please contact Immediately after submission, if your name does not appear on the entry list of the desired event then you have NOT entered. After a successful entry and provided you supplied a valid email address, you will also receive an email confirming your accepted provisional entry details.

Note that Entry lists are ordered by date and late entries are annotated accordingly. Lists are therefore preliminary and subject to later ordering by ranking and date if oversubscribed in accordance with the published Rules.

2025 Entries Lists


Nationals Entry 2025

  • (only enter if a Junior)
  • Preferred contact telephone number
  • Read Notes

    Notes for Pilots Applying to Enter 2025 National Championships

    Allocation of Places

    1. The number of places for each Nationals may be limited by the organising clubs and for 2025 the limits are as follows to prevent site limits being exceeded:- 15 Metre(27) Club(50) Open (27) Standard (27) 18 Metre (45) 20m. Multi-Seat(25). Places are allocated in the order of the Rating List except that 5 places in each class are reserved for foreign pilots without rating provided the application is received by 31st January. Any applications in excess of the initial entry limit will be placed on a Reserve List in the order of the pilots rating. In the case of a multi-class event, where one class is undersubscribed at 15th March or whenever a withdrawal creates such undersubscription, additional places will be offered in the other class up to the site limit.

    2. On 15th March the organisers will revise the Reserve List on the following basis: Pilots from the initial accepted entry list to the competition who have not paid the £90 deposit will be placed on the Reserve List in order of the pilots rating below those already on the Reserve List from the initial application. Pilots will then be invited to enter the competition and pay their deposit in the order of the revised Reserve List to maintain the number at the prescribed limit. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact each pilot in turn. Once the Reserve List is exhausted, pilots on the Late Entry list will be invited to enter the competition in order of the list to maintain the number at the prescribed limit.

    3. Should there be further withdrawing pilots the organisers will offer places to pilots on the reserve or late entry lists to maintain the number at the prescribed maximum limit.

    4. Four weeks before the start of the competition the organisers will publish a provisional entry list. The entry list will close for the competition at the end of official registration.

    5. In the event that there are no reserve pilots, the organising club may accept entries from pilots who have paid the BGA Application Fee for that particular competition and are eligible to compete in accordance with the Competition Handbook. Such entries will be accepted in the order they apply up to the start of the competition to the maximum entry limit number. Note there are additional costs associated with late entry.

    Entry Procedure

    6. Online applications must reach the B.G.A. by 31st January 2025 in order to secure priority entry. It is entirely the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the above, and no remonstrations regarding exceptional circumstance shall be considered.

    7. Applications received after the deadline will be annotated as 'Late Entries'. These entries will be accepted in order of receipt, regardless of rating but only after entries received on time have been exhausted.

    8. It is the responsibility of all applicants, even if late, to ensure that the non-returnable £90.00 deposit reaches the organising club by 15th March 2025. In the event of the entry ultimately not being accepted due to enforced entry limits then this deposit is returnable.

    9.The balance of the entry fee is refundable in full up to 4 weeks prior to the start of the competition. Thereafter, the balance will only be refunded if the organisers secure a replacement, and will not be refunded if the withdrawal is less than one week before the competition starts. Exceptional circumstances may be reviewed by the stewards.

    Entry Fees


    Competition BGA Fee Deposit Balance Total
    Any event (eligible Junior) £20.00 £45.00 £105.00 £170.00
    Open Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00
    15m. Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00
    Standard Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00
    Club Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00
    18m. Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00
    20m. Multi-seat Class Nationals £20.00 £90.00 £210.00 £320.00

    Pilots who are late in payment of deposit will be liable to an additional charge of £15 payable as required by organising club.

    Pilots late in paying the balance, whether due to late entry or otherwise will be liable to an additional balance charge of £25 payable as required by organising club – (therefore total entry cost for a Nationals entered less than 8 weeks prior to event starting will be £40 more than the costs in the table above that are only valid for entry and payment to the prescribed date regime)

    Additional deposit and balance charges are not applicable to eligible Junior pilots.

    Launches will be charged separately at the rates to be advised by the organisers.


    11.The FAI 20m Multi-Seat Class Nationals will be handicapped using the latest IGC 20m Multi-Seat handicap list. Gliders of lower performance not appearing on this list may be used but the base handicap of 100 will be used and tasks set accordingly. Only one pilot entry is required for the lead pilot but 2 occupants must fly onboard, the second of which may alternate subject to being registered daily with the competition organisation.


    12. All events will be rated as full Nationals with a base rating of 1000.

    13. The results of competitions in 2025 will be used to compile the 2025 Ratings List. The Rating List will be used to determine entry into over-subscribed National competitions in 2026.

    WGC Team Voting

    14. Please note that the email address used for latest Nationals application will be used unless you subsequently advise a change, if you become part of a team selection voting panel with the vote conducted by email. The vote will be announced on the BGA website and by email to the voting panel. In the event that you are on the voting panel and do not receive vote instructions by email for whatever reason and even if your email has not changed, it is your responsibility to contact the scrutineers via the BGA office without delay to ensure participation.

    Alan Langlands
    BGA Competition and Awards Sub-Committee Chairman


    Contact details of organising club to arrange deposit and balance payments

    Competition Payable to Address
    Open Class Nationals Lasham Gliding
    Tel. 01256 384900
    Lasham Gliding Society
    Lasham Airfield,
    The Avenue,
    GU34 5SS
    15m. Class Nationals Lasham Gliding
    Tel. 01256 384900
    Lasham Gliding Society
    Lasham Airfield,
    The Avenue,
    GU34 5SS
    Standard Class Nationals Lasham Gliding
    Tel. 01256 384900
    Lasham Gliding Society
    Lasham Airfield,
    The Avenue,
    GU34 5SS
    Club Class Nationals London GC
    Tel. 01582 663419
    London Gliding Club
    Tring Road,
    LU6 2JP
    18m. Class Nationals The Gliding Centre
    Tel. 01858 860521
    The Gliding Centre
    Husbands Bosworth Airfield,
    LE17 6JJ
    20m. Multi-seat Nationals The Gliding Centre
    Tel. 01858 860521
    The Gliding Centre
    Husbands Bosworth Airfield,
    LE17 6JJ
    By clicking here, you agree to abide by the competition rules of the British Gliding Association, the Royal Aero Club and the regulations of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale.
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