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Information for Organisers

18 documents found in 'Information for Organisers'

2017 Competition Directors Seminar Notes

Notes and slides from Competition Directors Seminar, January 2017. Note that the original PowerPoint presentations are also available within the...

Date Added: 09/02/2017 View Document

BGA Competition Organisers' Briefing Notes

Date Added: 25/04/2017 Last Modified: 06/03/2024 View Document

BGA Competition Scoring Guide 2019

Scoring guide for 2019

Date Added: 17/06/2019 Last Modified: 18/06/2019 View Document

Competition Organisers Guide

Updated March 2024

Date Added: 19/10/2022 Last Modified: 03/04/2024 View Document

Competition Scoring Script

Updated for 2023.

Date Added: 21/03/2016 Last Modified: 02/08/2023 View Document

Currency Barometer

Pilot Currency Barometer - How safe a pilot are you?

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 05/01/2016 View Document

Designated Starts

Presentation given to the Competition Directors Seminar, January 2017 about an alternative start-time procedure for cross-country gliding competitions.

Date Added: 09/02/2017 Last Modified: 09/02/2017 View Document

Easy Weight Scrurineering

Presentation given at Competition Directors Seminar, January 2017 about simplifying the full IGC process.

Date Added: 09/02/2017 View Document

FAI Anti-Doping FAQs

FAQs for competitors and organisers

Date Added: 22/05/2015 Last Modified: 22/05/2015 View Document

FAI Anti-Doping Programme

Date Added: 22/05/2015 Last Modified: 22/05/2015 View Document

Gliding Activity Explained - RAF Air Clues Magazine Spring 2016

Date Added: 06/06/2016 View Document

Handicap Distance Tasks

Sailplane and Gliding article by Tim Scott which provides a helpful guide to setting fair and enjoyable tasks and highlights...

Date Added: 08/04/2016 View Document

Junior Gliding Code of Conduct

UK Junior Gliding and BGA agreed code of conduct for Junior pilots involved with UKJG or BGA organised activity.

Date Added: 07/03/2017 Last Modified: 05/06/2024 View Document

Military flying contacts

Military flying unit contacts for use during notification of significant gliding activity. Supplied by the RAF.

Date Added: 22/06/2016 Last Modified: 15/03/2017 View Document

Simplified competition rules organisers guide

Date Added: 06/04/2022 View Document

Supplement to Competition Organisers Guide

Distance Calculations In Distance Handicapped Tasks

Date Added: 29/04/2015 View Document

The Ideal Gliding Competition

As part of an initiative to improve UK gliding competitions the BGA Competition & Awards Committee identified the need to...

Date Added: 04/03/2017 View Document

Transforming UK Gliding Competitions - The Big Picture

Presentation given at Competition Directors Seminar, January 2017

Date Added: 09/02/2017 View Document