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Safety Briefings

33 documents found in 'Safety Briefings'

2021 Accident Review

Date Added: 16/03/2022 Last Modified: 16/03/2022 View Document

2022 Accident Review

A review of all occurrences reported to the BGA 1 Oct 2021 to 30 Sep 2022.

Date Added: 21/02/2023 Last Modified: 19/02/2024 View Document

2023 Accident Review

Date Added: 19/02/2024 View Document

Aerotow Performance

Safety Briefing highlighting the factors affecting aerotow take-off performance - for consideration by glider pilots and tug pilots.

Date Added: 07/01/2016 Last Modified: 14/12/2022 View Document

Ballast Weights

Safety briefing on ballast weights

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Briefing for pilots flying in the South African summer

Briefing for visiting pilots flying in the South African summer - supplied by the Soaring Society of South Africa.

Date Added: 15/03/2019 View Document

CAA Safety Sense leaflets

Link to CAA Safety Sense leaflets including re Collision avoidance, GPS use, Radiotelephony, etc

Date Added: 22/05/2015 Last Modified: 05/01/2017 View Document

Cable Hang-Ups

Safety Briefing - Cable Hang-Ups

Date Added: 29/04/2015 View Document

Control Confusion

Safety briefing. Control confusion - ASW15, ASW19, ASW20, Pegase, and Blanik types

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Currency Barometer

Pilot Currency Barometer - How safe a pilot are you?

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 05/01/2016 View Document

EASA SIB 2019-07 Sailplane Rigging

EASA Safety Information Bulletin re Sailplane Rigging – Procedures, Inspections and Training

Date Added: 02/10/2020 View Document

European GA Safety Team Leaflets

Link to EU GA Safety Team (EGAST) safety leaflets including re use of GPS and Collision Avoidance.

Date Added: 22/05/2015 Last Modified: 05/01/2017 View Document

FAA Safety briefings

Date Added: 09/05/2023 Last Modified: 09/05/2023 View Document

Field Landing

Safety Briefing on the subject of field landings. Designed for pilots of ALL levels of experience.

Date Added: 02/04/2016 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Fuel handling and storage

CAA safety sense leaflet

Date Added: 05/08/2023 Last Modified: 05/06/2024 View Document

GQ Parachutes

Safety briefing about how to wear GQ parachute correctly

Date Added: 29/04/2015 View Document

Is Your Glider Fit for Flight?

Safety Briefing examining a number of the issues regarding correctly preparing your glider for flight. First published in 2015 and...

Date Added: 14/08/2015 Last Modified: 28/01/2023 View Document

Land Ahead if Safe to Do So

The established advice following a winch launch failure is to ‘land ahead if it is safe to do so’. The...

Date Added: 24/02/2017 View Document

Launch Cable Safety

Safety Briefing describing the factors that are behind most winch cable accidents on the ground and the basic steps that...

Date Added: 18/07/2016 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Managing risk in adventurous gliding

In this safety briefing video, two well-known gliding adventurers are interviewed about their approach to managing the risks and so...

Date Added: 22/09/2019 View Document

Mountain Flying Safety

Safety briefing about mountain flying

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Mounting Cameras for Use in the Air

Safety briefing about use of cameras in the air

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Parachuting after a Mid-Air Collision

Safety briefing in the event of a mid-air collision

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 13/10/2017 View Document

Please fly clear of gliding sites

An education piece for the aviation community. Circulated to NATMAC and the GA press with a call to action on...

Date Added: 20/08/2018 View Document

Pre-flight external walkaround checks

Date Added: 17/01/2023 View Document

Safe Aerotowing Booklet

Safety briefing offering advice to the glider pilot on safe aerotowing and in particular the avoidance of tug upsets.

Date Added: 15/05/2015 Last Modified: 18/10/2016 View Document

Safe Winch Launching Leaflet

Safety briefing on Safe Winch Launching highlighting the key risk areas and giving advice on how to avoid them. Version...

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 17/06/2021 View Document

Safety Foam

Safety briefing describing why pilots should fly with an energy-absorbing foam cushion

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 23/03/2017 View Document

Safety information - rigging gliders

A toolbox of safe rigging mitigations for use by clubs and individuals.

Date Added: 17/03/2023 View Document

Soaring Protocol

Safety briefing describing the safe protocols to be used when soaring. Updated December 2020.

Date Added: 29/04/2015 Last Modified: 21/12/2020 View Document

Takeover Control Guidance

BGA safety briefing describing takeover control guidance

Date Added: 13/10/2017 View Document

Ten traps in ridge flying

Date Added: 23/11/2022 Last Modified: 23/11/2022 View Document

Winter flying

From the CAA Clued Up magazine Dec 2020

Date Added: 04/01/2021 View Document