Turning Points, Airspace and other Navigation Files
Turning Points
Details of turning points are available via Tim Newport Peace.
We have been advised that sometime in the not too distant future Günther Eichhorn will be shutting down the soaringweb.org server (and two mirrors). Fortunately, all of the content will continue to be available at Tom Serkowski’s server at http://serkowski.com/soaring/ and Luke Szczepaniak’s server at https://soaring.silentflight.ca/
Navboys also provide an helpful resource.
Airspace files can be accessed via Tim Newport Peace or via ASSelect.
Air Space Select (ASSelect) is an application which enables glider pilots to download a customised airspace file for loading into their navigation devices. A guide to using ASSelect is available here.
Navboys also provide a helpful resource.
Skydemon and other commercially available navigation software can be updated via their apps and websites.
Out-landing and frequency files
Paul Ruskin has pulled together a set of cup files of UK Airports and landable strips and fields, together with current radio frequencies which he intends to update roughly monthly.
To sign up to the Airfields and Outlandings notifications, please enter your details here. You should quickly receive an email with download details, and you’ll get roughly monthly updates. Look at the Readme file to see what’s in there.
There are three main files:
UK Airports <date>.cup
UK outlandings <date>.cup
UKN Airports and outlandings <date>.cup (a rather sparse set about 55N – additions welcome)
A version with airfield codes as the first part of the name is also included. In each case there is a corresponding .kml file which can be opened in Google Earth, so you can look at the field.
These are complementary to the BGA TP list (so you won’t have two waypoints in one place) when you have that loaded.
Usual caveats apply: Use at your own risk, check the data if it’s important to you. The farm strips especially come with no guarantee about width, crops, surface or animals, albeit all those included are thought to be at least 25m wide (via inspection by Google earth only).