BGA Training Organisation

Gliding training in the UK is currently self-regulated. The BGA and its clubs agree to and take responsibility for the development and maintenance of appropriate standards. The standards are described within BGA Laws and Rules and other documents.

All BGA instructors operate within a BGA-wide training organisation that includes them, their CFI’s and their clubs training operation. This webpage aims to support BGA clubs and instructors with appropriate guidance as a helpful companion to other BGA publications. It will be modified by SFCL requirements in due course.


Instructing and Examining Committee

The primary role of the Instructing and Examining Committee is to lead on and advise the BGA Executive Committee on matters relating to gliding training and examining. The committee includes as members all the Senior Regional Examiners as well as other appointed individuals. The committee terms of reference describes the full role.

Chair of the Instructing and Examining Committee

The Chair of the Instructing and Examining Committee is responsible to the BGA Executive Committee for the Instructing and Examining Committee’s activity and works closely with the BGA Head of Training and the Training Standards Manager.

Chief Flying Instructor

Each club is responsible for pilot training at its site. A BGA site Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) is selected and appointed by the club chair in consultation with the Senior Regional Examiner.  Among other responsibilities, a BGA site CFI is the local head of training. The CFI can liaise with their local Senior Regional Examiner.

The person nominated for the CFI post shall have extensive experience as a BGA instructor (BGA Laws and Rules refers).

Senior Regional Examiners

The BGA has a number of senior regional examiners who, in addition to leading the regional coaching and examining team also provide training and safety guidance and advice to CFI’s.

Accountable Manager

The BGA Chief Executive is responsible to the BGA Executive Committee for ensuring that the BGA has adequate resources, personnel and processes in place to meet its training requirements, working in co-ordination with the Chair of the Instructing and Examining Committee.


All BGA instructors operate under the oversight of a BGA club CFI. To conduct instruction, they must qualify for the instructing privileges that they are using (BGA Laws and Rules refer).

There are three BGA instructor ratings; Basic, Assistant & Full. Basic Instructors teach a limited number of upper air exercises only and operate under tightly supervised conditions. Full Instructors have Bronze endorsement testing privileges.

Continuity of Training

Sufficient instructors should be available to ensure the proper continuity of training for all students. If an instructor finds him or herself being overstretched, the issue should be brought to the attention of the CFI.

Fitness to fly

Instructors are responsible for ensuring that they are fit to fly and should encourage their student pilots to consider their fitness to fly.

Instructing Techniques

Instructing must be carried out using techniques acceptable to the BGA. The BGA Instructor Manual refers. Note. A revised instructor manual is under development.

Instructor Rating Validity

BGA BI, Assistant and Full instructor ratings are revalidated annually by their club CFI, based on the instructor meeting the requirements detailed in BGA Laws and Rules ‘Instructor Requirements’.

In the event of a reportable accident involving an instructor, the instructor must not instruct further until he or she has been authorised to do so by the Senior Regional Examiner in discussion with the CFI.


If at any time an instructor has any questions regarding their role as a BGA instructor, they should seek the advice of their CFI, who in turn can seek advice from the Senior Regional Examiner.

If any instructor has any concerns regarding instructing standards, they should bring them to the attention of their CFI. If they are unable to resolve the issue with their CFI, they should contact the BGA Training Standards Manager in confidence via the BGA office.

Theoretical Knowledge and Flight Training

The BGA theoretical knowledge syllabus and flight training syllabus from first flight through to completion of the Bronze and Cross Country skills tests is clearly defined, and is the minimum syllabus content to be used at BGA clubs.

Theoretical knowledge is primarily gained through self-study and ground instruction integrated with flight training.

Sufficient flight training must be carried out to complete the flight training syllabus. Flight training should be arranged so that student pilots receive a logical flow of instruction from the minimum number of different instructors commensurate to the training need.

Training Records

CFI’s are responsible for ensuring that adequate records are maintained at BGA sites.

Flight instruction records shall be maintained by the club for each student pilot. Access to training records should be limited those that are receiving and delivering training.

Training record cards must as a minimum include all the BGA published flight training syllabus exercises. Note: the BGA publishes template record cards.

If computer based records are used, back-up arrangements must be in place.

All flight instruction records should be retained for a minimum of 3 years. Completed records submitted to the BGA office are retained for at least 3 years.

Transfer of Student Records

Where requested by a student pilot, copies of a student training record (not originals) should be made available to another club that is seeking to complete a course of training for that student. Such records, which should be certified as correct, should be forwarded to the relevant CFI.


To support the recording of pilot training, student pilots should be encouraged to keep their logbooks up to date.

Log book records of student pilots progress should be signed by the instructor involved.

Training Aircraft

Dual flight training should only take place in aircraft with dual controls and when compliant with BGA airworthiness requirements.

In determining fleet size, the club should ensure that a sufficient number of aircraft suitably equipped and appropriate to the courses of training on offer are provided to achieve continuity of flying training for the number of student pilots involved. The requirements for routine maintenance and use of aircraft for other purposes should be taken into account.

Operating Sites

The suitability of a BGA club site for flight training is the responsibility of the operating club.


A suitable covered briefing facility of adequate size relative to the maximum student pilot capacity should be available.

Operational Publications

The following up to date operational publications shall be available at least via online access to student pilots and instructors:

  • Part Sailplane Air Operations (SAO)
  • BGA Laws and Rules
  • BGA Student Pilot Manual
  • BGA Instructors Manual
  • BGA Safety Education materials
  • NOTAMs
  • UK Aeronautical Information Publication
  • Flight Manuals for the aircraft used
  • Meteorology reports and forecasts

Club Information

Each BGA training site should maintain a clearly marked publication containing relevant operational information that includes guidance to instructors and student pilots, including any local requirements and/or safety considerations.

Testing & Examining Standards

 BGA examining and testing requirements and guidance are described in the BGA Flight Examiner Standards Document.


 All two-seat gliders used for instruction at BGA clubs must be insured for instruction, and insured at a level of third party and second seat liability, as described in BGA Laws and Rules.

The BGA holds an Aviation Risk insurance policy for the event of a liability claim against the BGA and an instructor where the privileges of an instructor rating were required and were being exercised.


In support of pilots who choose to use the privileges of an SFCL SPL, eg for TMG flying, the BGA operates a DTO. The BGA DTO will be significantly modified ahead of SFCL implementation in September 2025.