Airspace News
Hawarden RMZ guide
Posted onA new Hawarden RMZ guide includes a summary of the RMZ and details its requirements.
EGR313 Scampton
Posted onEGR313 Scampton is a circle, 5 NM radius, centred on former RAF Scampton, that extends from the surface to an upper limit of 9500 ft altitude. The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team display practice now takes place within EGD324A, so EGR313 is no longer required. The MoD has advised that…
RAF Marham danger area
Posted onThe sponsor of the airspace change EGD296A/B surrounding RAF Marham that was justified to support drone operations from RAF Waddington, has advised that the TDA will operate with a date range of 12 December 24 – 12 June 2025 as published in (AIC) Y 174/2024. Feedback regarding this TDA and…
Doncaster Sheffield airport airspace update
Posted onThe CAA’s ACP-2022-082 ‘Consideration of the removal of Doncaster Sheffield Airport airspace’ is at Stage 5b ‘CAA decision’. The City of Doncaster Council (CDC) has submitted a ‘pre-emptive’ ACP-2024-039 ‘Doncaster-Sheffield Airport’ that aims to restore the controlled airspace and procedures around the former Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) in anticipation of…
Gliding frequency reminder
Posted onWe have been advised that disrupted ATC datalink events recorded by Eurocontrol on the 15th June were possibly caused by inappropriate use of the frequency range 136.500 to 136.975. The 15th of June was a non-flying day for many clubs due to poor weather. Pilots are reminded that in addition…
Reality for NHS drones?
Posted onA magazine for NHS executives has published a well-balanced article that largely undermines the case for drones in NHS healthcare. You can read the article here. With thanks to our BMAA colleagues who spotted the article.
NATS proposal monetises airspace
Posted onIntegration of drones into all airspace is an element of the CAA’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy. National Air Traffic Services (NATS), the UK’s leading provider of air traffic control commercial services, is consulting on its vision of supporting integrated airspace. According to NATS, ‘OpenAir’ aims to provide a universal data sharing…
Refused access to airspace?
Posted onRefused access to airspace? Don’t shrug it off – report it. You can read more here.
Oxford airport airspace change
Posted onOxford Airport (fully described as ‘London Oxford airport’) intends to add RNAV approaches to both ends of its runway to facilitate ‘small-scale’ Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations. CAA policies determine that controlled airspace is needed to facilitate that type of operation. Oxford airport has put forward an ACP Stage 1…
RAF Waddington Danger Areas approved
Posted onRAF Waddington’s Temporary Danger Area ACP-2023-003 designed to fill the gap before their main ACP-2019-018 goes live has been approved by the CAA. RAF Waddington’s Permanent Danger Areas ACP-2019-018 changed half way through the ACP process due to an MoD decision to relocate the RAF Aerobatic Team to RAF Waddington….