Safety News

UK Airprox Board Insight

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The October edition of UKAB INSIGHT looks at an Airprox involving an untraced motor-glider and a DA42 on an instrument approach to Oxford. The article highlights the risks to consider when transiting between two areas where the pilot does not have permission to enter either of them, and some considerations…

Airprox insight

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The September edition of INSIGHT looks at an Airprox involving a glider and a military helicopter in the vicinity of Boscombe Down and Middle Wallop. The article discusses considerations regarding communications with Air Traffic Service Providers in the vicinity of airfields, ATZs and MATZs and how these could be used…

EC Rebate Scheme update

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The Department for Transport funded EC Rebate Scheme is nearing its end, with the application window closing on 31 March 2024. The scheme aims to improve airspace safety by encouraging the adoption of EC devices that enhance situational awareness for pilots. Eligible applicants still have an opportunity to claim a…

Fit for flight?

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BGA medical requirements utilise CAA medical requirements where applicable, including the CAA Pilot Medical Declaration. All pilots and in particular those who fly with a passenger or student pilot are reminded of their responsibility not to fly in the event of a decrease in their fitness with respect to an…

FES ground safety

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FES equipped gliders are relatively new and unfamiliar to other airfield users who may not appreciate the dangers of the flush seated, self deploying, fast turning and solid propeller blades on the nose of the glider. In addition to any precautions described in the aircraft flight manual, these points can…

Hill, ridge and mountain soaring

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It’s that time of year when pilots are heading to ridge, hill and mountain sites to make the most of the soaring opportunities. Visitors to these sites are encouraged to refresh themselves on the site’s rules & local safety tips. There is additional helpful guidance at ‘Managing Flying Risk -…

Managing Flying Risk - essential information for pilots

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‘Managing Flying Risk’ aims to provide pilots and clubs with guidance on how to better understand, minimise and manage the hazards associated with gliding operations, including with powered gliders and tug aircraft. You can view the contents here.

AAIB report published - Schleicher ASW 20 L, G-CFRW

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The AAIB report into an accident involving an ASW20 in 2022 has been published and includes a recommendation to mandate positive control checks. The AAIB report is available here.  

Fuel starvation

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The CAA has reported that they have seen several recent accidents that have been caused by aircraft running out of fuel. Pilots are reminded of their legal obligation to ensure there is sufficient fuel on board for their intended flight plus reserve. See Article 69 of the ANO, NCO.OP.125 and,…

Aerotow launch failures

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Aerotow launch failures are rare. Following a low aerotow launch failure, there may be reluctance by pilots to land ahead in a field and instead attempt a low turn. Following a low launch failure, landing ahead in a field is a safer option than stalling or spinning from a turn…