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Soaring season starts at Strubby

Spring is officially here. Recent sunshine has seen glider pilots take to the skies at Lincolnshire Gliding Club, Strubby.

On Saturday 14th March, despite pessimistic forecasts, the sun shone and Paul Kerman and Katharine York each managed to stay aloft for 30 minutes on the first thermals of the year.

Sunday 22nd the sky was bright, blue and promising. Several good flights were had, with Paul Kerman achieving nearly 2 1/2 hours before choosing to descend. Phil Trevethick re-soloed after being unable to fly for two years, and Bryan Bromley was also passed for solo after a winter off.

Gliding is a sport that can be enjoyed by almost all ages and abilities, and new members are always welcomed, The easiest way to get involved is to take a trial flight: soar above Strubby, look down on Louth, spy Skegness from the air.

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