News and Notices
FES ground safety
Posted onThis is a repeat of guidance published in September 2023. FES equipped gliders are relatively new and unfamiliar to other airfield users who may not appreciate the dangers of the flush seated, self deploying, fast turning and solid propeller blades on the nose of the glider. In addition to any…
18m and 20m National champions!
Posted onWe’re delighted to report that the 2024 18 metre and 20 metre two-seat National championships have resulted in two new champions! After a very challenging week of squeezing in tasks around some unhelpful weather, Matt Davis (JS1) is the 18 metre champion, and Steve Jones (Arcus) is the 20 metre…
Safe rigging
Posted onPilots are reminded that a BGA Operational Regulation states that: ‘All gliders operated from a BGA club site shall be inspected before flying on each day by a pilot who has been approved to carry out a daily inspection, who must sign to confirm that they have completed the daily…
All flying tailplane inspection
Posted onStandard Cirrus, Janus and Nimbus 2 owners have been contacted by the BGA office with details of a recommended inspection relating to all-flying tailplanes. If you own or operate one of these gliders and have not received the information, please contact the BGA office for a copy of the email.
Instructor and instructor coach training seminars
Posted onTeaching and Learning There is a Teaching & Learning online seminar on 21st/22nd May. The seminar is a prerequisite for BGA instructor training. More details and booking are available here. Flight Instructor Coach There is a Flight Instructor Coach (FIC) online seminar on the 25th/26th June. The seminar is part…
CAA Virtual Work Experience
Posted onThe CAA has told us that they are delighted to be continuing their aviation and aerospace Virtual Work Experience offering for 2024! Programme dates – 22nd July – 9th August Eligibility Criteria – age range 15-18 years Registration is open now: STEM | Work experience at CAA – STEM
Women's Go Gliding Success!
Posted onThe first UK ‘National Women’s Go Gliding Weekend’ was a great success! Lots of women discovered gliding for the first time, several have already committed to learning to fly and the participating clubs all had a great time meeting new people and showing off their facilities and opportunities. We expect…
General Aviation Alliance
Posted onIn support of its members interests, the BGA works closely with the GA Alliance. The GA Alliance represents some 72,000 subscription paying members of organisations working in in partnership. The members are the British Balloon and Airship Club (BBAC), British Gliding Association (BGA), British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (BHPA),…
FLARM temporary incompatibility - paragliders and hang gliders
Posted onThe latest FLARM update has resulted in a temporary incompatibility with the software used in some devices with FLARM transmit only capability as used by the para gliding and hang gliding community. The manufacturer of XC Tracer devices has developed a software update. The OGN have knowledge of the protocol…
2024 BGA Conference Report
Posted onAs it is likely that many people were unable to attend the BGA conference back in late February 2024 and have since possibly overlooked the online full article describing that successful and well-supported event that is linked from the most recent S&G magazine and available here.