Airworthiness & Maintenance Procedures (AMP)

Airworthiness Maintenance Procedures (AMPs) are used to control airworthiness issues and are made available through this webpage.  AMPs are kept under strict revision control with the master file being retained at the BGA office.  The publications listed below include an effective date from which the version applies. Do not use earlier versions that may have been saved or printed for reference.

AMP 1 series – general including Part 21 applicable AMPs

Please note that the AMPs below that are not provided with a series number are being updated, including to reflect changes following EU-Exit.

AMP 1-1 ARC renewal Part 21 aircraft

AMP 1-2 Inspector authorisation and ratings

AMP 1-3 Aircraft logbooks

AMP 1-4 Independent / duplicate inspections of critical tasks

AMP 1-5 Seat harnesses and belts

AMP 1-6 Inspector disciplinary procedure

AMP 1-7 Transponder maintenance

AMP 1-8 Trailer maintenance

AMP 1-9 Glider weighing

AMP 1-10 Importing and exporting aircraft

AMP 1-11 Battery maintenance

AMP 1-12 Complex maintenance

AMP 1-13 Registration procedure for sailplanes

AMP 1-14 Self Declared Maintenance Programme

Currently being updated:

CS-STAN (to be updated to CS-STAN v4)

Flying control cables (to be updated with Nicopress AD)

Motor glider engine inspection and repair

Parts and materials Part 21 aeroplanes and sailplanes including powered sailplanes

AMP 2 series – non-Part 21 applicable AMPs

AMP 2-1 ‘A’ Conditions flight

AMP 2-2 BGA C of A renewal

AMP 2-3 Modification of non-Part 21 gliders

AMP 2-4 NARC renewal

Approved methods, techniques and practices

Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices – Aircraft Inspection and Repair FAA AC43.13-1B

Standard repairs to gliders – Forward and contents

Plastic plane patch primer (Ursula Hanle)

Equipment Installation and Maintenance Manuals

Several components attached to sailplanes and other aircraft need regular overhaul. These components are classified as ‘equipment’ as they are not made by the aircraft manufacturer and have their own separate EASA approval. All equipment fitted to a sailplane, such as radios, transponders, engines, propellers, and release hooks are issued new with an installation/maintenance manual. These manuals should be used when installing and maintaining the equipment. Any owner who needs an equipment installation and maintenance manual should check the manufacturers website for details. The manuals should be kept in the aircraft maintenance file/records along with the aircraft maintenance manual.


Airworthiness forms are available here

Weighing Programme

Weight and Balance Calculation Programme