Safety News
Collision Avoidance - The Soaring Protocol
Posted onEstablished BGA collision avoidance guidance including the Soaring Protocol is available here.
Glider towing damage
Posted onBGA accident and incident occurrence data demonstrates that so far during 2023, there have been four accidents on the ground when towing gliders. Three of those accidents involved substantial damage. Looking back over a ten-year period, among all substantial damage accidents to aircraft during ground operations, almost 50% of these…
Safe winch launching
Posted onWhilst UK gliding has made great progress over the many years of the safe winch launching campaign, new pilots need to understand the issues and existing pilots need to be periodically reminded about the available guidance. This Dutch report into a tragic accident references BGA safe winch launching information published…
Carbon monoxide guidance
Posted onA CAA safety notice has been published that aims to raise awareness of i) the hazards associated with carbon monoxide exposure, ii) the means of minimising the likelihood of carbon monoxide contamination and iii) to provide guidance on the use of carbon monoxide detectors in GA aircraft. The safety notice…
BGA medical requirements
Posted onBGA medical requirements, which incorporate CAA medical requirements, have been updated to include note d. re decrease in fitness, ie: ‘Pilots are reminded of their responsibility not to fly in the event of a decrease in their fitness with respect to an illness, medical condition, medical surgery or treatment that…
Gear up on final approach? Please keep quiet.
Posted onSeen a glider on final approach with the gear up instead of correctly lowered for landing? Please avoid the temptation to make a radio call, which experience has shown could lead the pilot to attempt to lower the undercarriage during the final stage of landing resulting in loss of control…
Field landing safety briefing
Posted onA field landing can stretch any pilot’s experience and flying abilities. This ‘Field Landing’ safety briefing is aimed at all glider pilots regardless of experience.
Instrument Approach Procedures in Class G airspace
Posted onSeveral airfields with ATZs in class G use instrument approach procedures (IAPs), which are designed to improve approach safety in poor weather, at night, etc. However, these IAPs are frequently utilised during fine weather in daylight by commercial pilot training organisations as well as by commercial business jet operators. The…
Airspace safety information and resources for pilots
Posted onThe risk of mid-air collision remains high for Class G airspace users, despite such advances as the carriage and use of electronic conspicuity devices. Although it is five years since the last fatal mid-air collision in the UK and longer since a mid air collision involving a glider in the…
Wake vortices and turbulence
Posted onWake vortices are generated by aircraft including helicopters operating at high angle of attack, eg on takeoff and landing. Large GA aircraft can produce significant wake vortices. The heavier an aircraft, and the slower it is flying, the stronger its vortex and the greater the risk to following aircraft. The…