Core Management & Governance

This group of topics cover the areas that people probably consider when joining the Committee (or Board of Directors, depending on the structure of the organisation). Some documents are detailed, for instance running the range of meetings required for good governance.

Others are introductions and overviews, where everyone on the Committee (or Board of Directors) needs to have an understanding so that they can make good quality decisions, but delivery of the activities would be carried out by others.

A note about communications. Good governance is broadly the opposite of good piloting (aviate – navigate – communicate), if in doubt communicate as the work of the Committee/Board is easier if it puts out good quality, timely communications. Firstly, it is a leadership activity and secondly it makes it easier for club members to understand what is happening and why, and to join in, especially if volunteers are likely to be needed to help deliver actions.

The basis of these documents and guides was ‘The Effective Club Management Guide’ which was originally published in hard copy form in 2011. This new and updated version has been broken down into the constituent topics with shorter, downloadable guides.

Governance and the Committee/Board

Principles of Good Governance

Governing Document Summary

Model Articles for Gliding Clubs as Private Companies Limited by Guarantee

General Meetings

Club Policies

Data Protection

Key Club Roles

The Committee

Group Dynamics

About Conflicts of Interest

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Carrying out a Consultation

Managing the Finances

Managing the Finances

Philip Wills Memorial Fund

Insurance and Risk Management

Insurance and Risk Management

Publicity, PR & Communications

Publicity, PR, Marketing and Communications

Annual Reports and Impact Reporting

About Newsletters

About Websites


If you have queries about club management, please contact the BGA Development Officer, or via the BGA Office. Available support includes: a club development visit; club development online meetings; training; occasional BGA training; (Monday Evening) Club Development Virtual Sessions.