
BGA Project Planning and Funding Guide

The BGA Project Planning and Funding Guide is an excellent source of information. The BGA Planning and Environment Fund is a fund established and funded by the BGA to assist clubs which are at risk in the context of planning, environmental or similar developments and may need financial help to fight legal challenges or to support a complex planning application or appeal.

Low Interest Loans

The Philip Wills Memorial Fund, which is managed by a board of trustees independently of the BGA, provides low interest loans for club development projects.

Junior Gliding Funding

Flying needn’t be expensive for junior pilots and there are lots of opportunities to drive the costs down even further through a range of club schemes, scholarships and bursaries.

We are really fortunate to be supported by some very generous benefactors who every year provide funding and/or training for young pilots. A summary of what is available can be found on the Junior Gliding Funding Opportunities page.

Generating Income

Useful sources of information on income generation include: