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2018 Lookback – a Great Year!

With one of the hottest Summers on record it’s certainly been a great soaring season. Our new Eurofox tugplane has been kept busy and our recently aquired K21 training glider has been in demand from our trainee pilots and experienced club members alike.

The 2018 interclub league was a notable highlight and with some of our relatively inexperienced pilots doing extremely well. Overall, as well as winning the pundit and novice categories, YGC managed to emerge as he overall winners . We’d like to thank our hosts Burn GC for a most enjoyable event and we are already looking forward to this year’s competition at Sutton Bank

Our club task week proved equally successful with many of our less experienced pilots taking the opportunity to try their hand at cross country flying. What followed was a host of ‘firsts’: first 50k distance flights, first 5 hour durations and first meetings with the local agricultural community courtesy of a number of field landings.  A real highlight of the year and one which proved a huge boost to the experience of many of our members.

As the summer faded the Autumn brought some superb wave flying conditions with many pilots soaring over 10,000′ and with the achievement of a gold height for some. As the year ends we have been busy preparing for next year with our Bronze Groundschool as well as a series of lectures thorughout January to March dealing with a range of subjects from first cross country flights through to making the best of wave flying.

We look forward to seeing more new members next year. We are a vibrant friendly club with an excellent flying operation and facilities. If you fancy trying this wonderful sport then give us a call – you will be made most welcome!

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