News and Notices

BGA fees 1 October 2023

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The BGA fees applicable from 1 October 2023 have been published. The membership fees payable by clubs are as agreed at the previous AGM. With inflationary pressures in mind, other fees have been increased by between 4% and 5% and several fees remain unchanged.

Laws and Rules

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Gliding takes place under a mix of national, retained-EU, and self regulation. All glider pilots need a good awareness of the requirements, or at least where to find them. The ‘Laws and Rules’ BGA webpage provides gliding clubs and their members with clear details and links to BGA Operational Regulations,…

Royal Aero Club Trust

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The Royal Aero Club Trust invites applications to join the trust’s management committee as a volunteer Secretary and Treasurer. Contact Peter Crispin secretary(at) for details and an application form. The closing date for applications is Monday 15th January 2024.

Fit for flight?

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BGA medical requirements utilise CAA medical requirements where applicable, including the CAA Pilot Medical Declaration. All pilots and in particular those who fly with a passenger or student pilot are reminded of their responsibility not to fly in the event of a decrease in their fitness with respect to an…

FES ground safety

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FES equipped gliders are relatively new and unfamiliar to other airfield users who may not appreciate the dangers of the flush seated, self deploying, fast turning and solid propeller blades on the nose of the glider. In addition to any precautions described in the aircraft flight manual, these points can…

Hill, ridge and mountain soaring

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It’s that time of year when pilots are heading to ridge, hill and mountain sites to make the most of the soaring opportunities. Visitors to these sites are encouraged to refresh themselves on the site’s rules & local safety tips. There is additional helpful guidance at ‘Managing Flying Risk -…

Sailplane Pilot Licence

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The Sailplane Pilot Licence (SPL) is an ICAO compliant licence (ICAO compliance depends on the type of medical held by the pilot) that can be obtained from the BGA by converting from BGA qualifications. Pilots of Part-21 sailplanes are currently exempt from the requirement to hold an SPL to fly…

BGA hard copy publications

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The BGA produces several hard-copy publications which until recently were sold via the ‘BGA Shop’, a privately run online store which is no longer trading. A new outlet for BGA publications is being established. Meanwhile, BGA publications can be ordered via the BGA office.  

Becoming a BGA Inspector

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BGA inspectors form an important part of club and private owner aircraft maintenance support. Maintenance standards are a crucially important part of safety management.  The requirements for becoming a BGA inspector are essentially unchanged from the past. The mix of experience available within a gliding environment coupled with self-study can…

Inter Club League Final Success!

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The final competition of the 2023 Inter Club League took place recently at Nympsfield. The results were: 1st – Bristol and Gloucestershire GC Joint 2nd – London GC and Oxford GC 4th – Southwest regional team Thanks to all the pilots, crews, teams, organisers, and hosting clubs that make the…

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