News and Notices

Junior championships and training

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Junior Competition Training Competition flying is a great way to fly more cross-country in an organised and focussed environment, to improve skills and performance, and to have a lot of fun with gliding friends! The BGA and others support two-seat coaching for Junior pilots not yet ready to fly in…

Puchacz rear seat mount - urgent

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More than one Puchacz in the BGA club fleet has been found to have a broken rear seat mount. This video shows the problem. As detailed in an email sent to owners today, before the next flight owners are to use an inspector to check for cracks/splits in the rear…

Instructor Seminars

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An online Teaching and Learning seminar is available on the 18th and 19th March. You can read more and book here. An FI(S) Refresher seminar is available on the 26th and 27th March. You can read more and book here.  

STEM – Opportunities in aviation & aerospace

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The CAA’s STEM website has been relaunched, with improved navigation and access to a diverse range of resources. The BGA/CAA supported gliding STEM information that was initially launched by the WWGC2022 team is available here.

Get ready for spring - glider ground handling

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As the spring gets enticingly closer, it’s a reminder that our gliders and equipment need to be checked, maintained and ready to go. Every year we see glider ground towing equipment failures or towing driver errors that result in expensively broken gliders that take a long time to repair. It’s…

Gliding site safeguarding

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Airfield safeguarding is a mechanism to provide information about potential developments near an airfield and give a possibility of some protection against unwanted developments. The BGA Development Committee publish this slide deck that explains what a club needs to do to help to safeguard its airfield and operation. The CAA…

Changes on the BGA Executive Committee

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As required by the BGA Articles of Association, at the 21st February 2024 BGA AGM, the BGA Chair Andy Perkins, Vice-Chair George Metcalfe, and BGA Executive Committee members Bill Brittain and Richard Brickwood stepped down.  The following individuals were nominated and elected by the membership: George Metcalfe (Lasham) as BGA…

BGA Operational Regulation update

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Following the BGA AGM on 21 February 2024, BGA Operational Regulation 38 has been updated to read: “Inspection Before Flight. All gliders operated from a BGA club site shall be inspected before flying on each day by a pilot who has been approved to carry out a daily inspection, who…

Carbon Monoxide detector consultation

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In addressing an AAIB recommendation regarding carbon monoxide detectors, the CAA has published proposals set out in a consultation that are integral to understanding what may be holding pilots back from using this potentially lifesaving equipment, and whether the CAA should be doing more to encourage its adoption. You can…

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