News and Notices
Please check your tow out gear
Posted onThe BGA receives a steady trickle of reports of gliders being damaged when tow-out gear fails or becomes detached. Fittings can sustain damage or are allowed to deteriorate, which reduces their strength and durability. Now’s a great time to check to the structures and fittings for damage, wear and distortion,…
SFCL FI(S) refresher seminar
Posted onSFCL FI(S) rolling recency requirements include ‘within the last three years, refresher training at a DTO…’ The training is delivered via a seminar. There is a BGA DTO FI(S) refresher seminar available starting on 21st March 2023. You can view details and book here.
Is your glider fit for flight?
Posted onRigging errors, and other errors and omissions in preparing a glider for flight, are frequently caused by interruption, distraction, forgetfulness, and making unwarranted assumptions. The BGA has repeatedly drawn attention to these hazards and stressed the importance of rigging, and performing DIs and pre-flight checks, without interruption or DISTRACTION.. Gliding…
The Air League gliding scholarships
Posted onThe Air League gliding scholarships offer opportunities for training to solo, pilot development and motor glider conversion. You read the detail and apply here.
BGA publications and forms
Posted onThe BGA periodically updates its publications and forms. In doing so, each document is also reviewed for accuracy, clarity and brevity. Where an error is identified by a user of a BGA publication or form, we would be grateful if the BGA office could be advised so that the issue…
Altimeter setting and airspace
Posted onThe French authorities have published a report into a 2019 infringement of class D airspace in France by a D-registered Nimbus 3DT that resulted in an airprox with a proximity of between 30m and 100m with an HB-registered Challenger bizjet. The Challenger crew spotted the glider and turned to avoid….
Report suspicious behaviour at airfields
Posted onMany GA airfields enjoy a positive professional relationship with local enforcement agencies and Border Force regional teams. As an entry point into the UK, airfields can provide a valuable resource to local law enforcement agencies on spotting and reporting the early signs of any suspicious activity. Airfields should familiarise themselves…
K21 loose article risk - centre section bulkhead plate
Posted onA recent occurrence report submitted to the BGA noted how an object dropped behind the main spar tunnel in a K21. There is an option on new build gliders, and Schleicher will supply the kit, to fit a bulkhead cover plate. The attached photo, supplied by Lasham GS, shows the…
SPL TMG rolling recency reminder
Posted onHolders of SPL TMG privileges are reminded of the TMG 24 month rolling recency requirements at SFCL.160, which include a training flight of at least one hour total flight time with an FI(S) TMG. UK SFCL.160 can be viewed here.
Is your glider fit for flight?
Posted onThe BGA Safety Leaflet ‘Is your glider fit for flight?’ was first published in 2015, updated in 2018, and further updated in January 2023. All glider pilots are encouraged to read the leaflet which can be viewed here.