Key Club Roles
Clubs need to have suitably qualified people in the key roles. They do not all need to be Committee members, if:
- there is a mechanism for them to report to the Committee on their area of work;
- they have the necessary level of authority and delegation to fulfil their responsibilities, without constantly having to ask for guidance, approval or
An organisation chart or information about the roles, the current people holding them, together with their contact details should be clearly communicated and easily accessible, both at the club and on the club’s website. Ideally club email addresses should be used e.g.
In a large club, it should be possible for each role to be held by a separate individual. In smaller clubs, it may be necessary for one person to hold several positions concurrently.
Of greater importance is to avoid overloading any one individual, with the risk that they are unable to do a good job or that they become stressed and overwhelmed by the workload.
The major club roles are :
- Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- CFI *
- Safety Officer ^
- Technical Officer ^
- Child Protection Officer ^
* the CFI is not always a committee role with voting rights, but at many clubs the CFI attends committee meetings to facilitate a good mutual understanding of objectives and decisions
^ may not be a ‘Committee’ role, but will report to the Chair
Other roles, possibly combined, could include:
- Tugmaster and/or Winchmaster
- Airspace Officer
- Mechanical Transport (MT) Officer
- Site and Buildings Officer
- Data Protection Officer
- Junior Gliding Liaison Officer
- Membership Secretary
- New Member Liaison Officer
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Social Secretary
- Public Relations Officer
- Marketing and Publicity Officer
- Social Media/Newsletter Editor
- Webmaster
The principal club officers are normally elected either by the membership or by the committee members. Other roles are generally appointed by the committee. The CFI must be approved by the BGA.
If the club is a CASC, The Fit and Proper Person Test should be applied before appointing people to roles with general control and administration of the club, especially the direct financial management responsibilities.